GRBL MKS DLC v2.1 CNC Motion Controller

Key Features:
  • Brand: Makerbase
  • Power supply: 12~24 VDC
  • Dimension: 90*70 mm
  • Number of axles: 3


Out of stock
SKU 690-C-7-31


DESCRIPTION MKS DLC v2.1 CNC motion controller

The GRBL MKS DLC v2.1 CNC motion controller from Makebase is based on the 328P chip from Atmel. It supports 3-axis CNC machines with the option to power a DC motor or a 12V laser diode directly from the board.

The package contains:

  • 1 x GRBL MKS DLC v2.1 CNC Motion Controller
  • 1 x USB cable


    • Version 2.1
    • Power supply: 12~24 VDC (< 10A)
    • CPU: ATMEGA328P
    • Firmware: GRBL
    • Axis: 3, for 4 stepper motors (X, Y1, Y2, Z)
    • Number of limit switches: 3 (X, Y, Z)
    • Serial and Driver: USB (CH340)
    • File format: G-code
  • Drivers for stepper motors (stepper motor driver): A4988, DRV8825, TMC2208, TMC2209, TMC2226 for Nema 17 step motors
  • For Nema 23 step motors: we can connect any driver (TB6600, DM542,…)
  • Laser: < 20 W (for lasers > 20 W it is necessary to connect an additional power supply)
  • Compatible software: Xloader, GrblController, Benbox, mDraw, GrblLaser
  • The possibility of offline operation using the touch screen


90 x 70 mm

How to download or update firmware on MKS DLC v2.1 CNC motion controller?

The firmware is already preloaded on the board. If we want to update it, follow these steps:

  1. First from the following pages download the GRBL firmware hex file.
  2. To transfer the hex file to the MKS DLC v2.1 disc, we need the Xloader program, which we get here. Follow the instructions on the page how to download the firmware to the MKS DLC v2.1 board.

If the computer does not detect the board, the reason may be that we do not have the CH340 driver installed. The driver for the CH340 USB-serial can be found here link.

More information about the CNC motion controller can be found here.

How do we use the MKS DLC v2.1 board?




Power supply

12~24 VDC


90*70 mm

Number of axles





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