Single axis stepper motor controller 5-30VDC

Key Features:
  • Brand: Aideepen
  • Input voltage: 5~30 VDC


13 in stock
SKU 690-C-7-17
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Description of ZK-SMC01 Single Axis Stepper Motor Controller:

Single axis stepper motor controller ZK-SMC01 is a special control module for one stepper motor. Different modes of operation are built into the module, the user can quickly choose any of them. Distance/speed/acceleration/lag/number of cycles can be set and these settings are saved even after the controller is turned off. It can work independently as a module or be used together with other systems.

If we need more complex control, then it is necessary to use PLC or microcontroller


  • Model: ZK-SMC01 stepper motor controller
  • Number of controlled axes: one axis
  • Signal to motor: common cathode
  • Power supply range: 5~30 VDC
  • Acceleration and braking control: Yes
  • Protection against connecting the wrong polarity to the input : Yes
  • Remote control communication: TTL serial port
  • Speed range: 0.1 ~ 999 rpm
  • Number of pulses for forward rotation: 1-9999 pulses
  • Number of pulses for reverse rotation : 1-9999 pulses
  • Number of cycles: 1-9999
  • Forward rotation delay time: 0.0-999.9 seconds
  • Rewind Delay Time: 0.0-999.9 seconds
  • Operating environment: – 5 ℃ to 60 ℃ (no condensation)

How we use single axis stepper motor controller ZK-SMC01?

Detailed instructions can be found here: Stepper motor controller ZK-SMC01

The module is supplied with 5~30 VDC (DC+ and DC- pins). Outputs EN, DIR and PUL have a voltage of 1.4V when they are high. It has been verified that this voltage is compatible with Leadshine DM542 stepper motor driver.

Single axis stepper motor controller ZK-SMC01

Description of module pins:

Pin Description
Power supply DC+ External power supply connection 5-30VDC (+)
DC- External power supply connection 5-30VDC (-)
Connection with stepper motor PUL Signal for the pulse, which is connected to the PUL+ of the stepper motor driver
DIR Signal for direction, which is connected to DIR+ of the stepper motor driver
EN The enable signal, which is connected to the EN+ of the stepper motor driver (this connection is optional - it is not necessary for the operation of the stepper motor)
GND Connect to PUL-, DIR- and EN- on the stepper motor driver. Connection to EN- is optional, if we have not connected EN (see above)
Connection for external switches Public line GND for external switch signal
Forward rotation signal Clockwise rotation signal
Reverse signal Signal for counter-clockwise rotation
Stop signal Stepper motor rotation stop signal
Serial communication +3.3V

The module allows us different modes of operation

Parameter Description of operation
We rotate the stepper motor with the rotary knob. The motor rotates clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on the direction of rotation of the knob. The motor rotates as long as the knob is turned.
The motor rotates as long as the CW (one direction) or CCW (opposite direction) button is pressed.
After pressing the CW (one direction of rotation) or CCW (opposite direction of rotation) button, the motor starts to rotate. It stops when we press the same button again. The speed of rotation is determined with F-03 (one direction of rotation) and F-05 (opposite direction). The motor can be stopped or its direction of rotation can also be changed with external switches that are connected between the Forward rotation signal and Public line for one direction of rotation and between the Reverse signal and Public line for the other direction of rotation (see picture below).
After pressing the CW (one direction of rotation) or CCW (second direction of rotation) button, the motor starts to rotate. The motor makes the selected number of steps (F-02 for one direction of rotation and F-04 for the opposite direction). After the selected time delay (F-07 for one direction of rotation and F-08 for the opposite direction), the motor repeats this cycle as many times as we set with F-06. The speed of rotation is determined with F-03 (one direction of rotation) and F-05 (opposite direction).
After pressing the CW (one direction of rotation) or CCW (second direction of rotation) button, the motor starts to rotate. The motor makes the selected number of steps (F-02 for one direction of rotation and F-04 for the opposite direction). Then, after the selected time delay (F-07 or F-08, depending on the direction of rotation), the motor returns to the initial position. The engine repeats this cycle as many times as we set with F-06. The speed of rotation is determined with F-03 (one direction of rotation) and F-05 (opposite direction).
After pressing the CW (one direction of rotation) or CCW (other direction of rotation) button, the stepper motor starts to rotate back and forth in the distance we set with F-02 and F-04, and repeats this cycle as many times as we set with F -06. The speed of rotation is determined with F-03 (one direction of rotation) and F-05 (opposite direction).
After pressing the CW (one direction of rotation) or CCW (second direction of rotation) button, the motor starts to rotate. When the button is released, the motor returns to the starting point after the selected time delay (F-07 for one direction of rotation and F-08 for the opposite direction). The speed of rotation is determined with F-03 (one direction of rotation) and F-05 (opposite direction).
After turning on the controller, the stepper motor starts to rotate back and forth automatically in the distance we set with F-02 and F-04, and repeats this cycle as many times as we set with F-06. The speed of rotation is determined with F-03 (one direction of rotation) and F-05 (opposite direction). We can set the time delay (F-07 for one direction of rotation and F-08 for the opposite direction)

Connection of external switches

External switches can either stop the motor (Stop signal) or change its direction of rotation (Forward rotation signal, Reverse signal; see 【F01】→3 above).

Connect them directly between Stop signal/Forward rotation signal/Reverse signal and Public line as shown in the picture below.

Single axis stepper motor controller



Input voltage

5~30 VDC




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